Wembrook Carnival
In the summer term, the whole school focussed on Brazil and carnivals. Rather than just talk about carnivals, Wembrook Primary School decided to do their own.
In the summer term, the whole school focussed on Brazil and carnivals. Rather than just talk about carnivals, Wembrook Primary School decided to do their own.
All 700 plus Wembrook Primary School pupils and staff were kitted out in authentic headdresses as they led the Brazilian-inspired carnival procession, to the soundtrack of Samba drums and whistles, through the town centre streets.
The procession, which started at the school, went through the town centre and ended up back at the school, was the culmination of six weeks worth of work inspired by the World Cup in Rio and its famous carnivals. Every pupil at the school made a professional headdress, had Samba dance lessons as well as Samba drum lessons.
It was a very special one off and we hope that it is a memory that the children will cherish forever.
To view more photos of this very special day, please view our Wembrook Carnival Gallery.