School Council
Here at Wembrook Primary School, we believe it is very important for ALL children to have a voice and feel as though their views and opinions count.
In the Autumn Term, each class from Year 1 to Year 6 holds an election to find their class representative.
Each councillor has to ensure that the views of all of the children in their class are heard. They work hard to find ways of collecting the ideas and suggestions of the rest of the school by having:
- class votes
- a notebook to record the views of others
- suggestion boxes
- posters
- questionnaires
Our school council is led by Miss Bayliss, our Deputy Head. We meet once a month to talk about any issues that have been raised by the children in our class.
Lots of really great changes have taken place thanks to our school council. We have been instrumental in the following:
- Gazebos
- Gazebo monitors
- Outdoor playboxes & resources
- Wet play boxes & resources
- Makeover of the boys toilets, including mirrors
- Wembrook pencil cases, rubbers, rulers and pencils
- Boys book club
- Reading books (chosen by school council) to go into classrooms
- New footballs for lunchtime football
- Artwork around the school
- After School Clubs that school council have asked for
- Friendship stops
- More bins outside
- Benches outside
- Wembrook coats with the logo on
- New blinds in some of the classrooms
If you have any ideas about how we can make Wembrook Primary School a better place, then speak to your class councillor today!